
Reviews on PR Workout Day

Here are some insights from students who participated in PR Workout Day this year:

"Prior to joining PRSSA, I was involved in a lot of other organizations on campus and they often had problems with various aspects of PR. Since I wanted to increase diversity within PRSSA, I thought that these two issues could go hand-in-hand. We, as a PR organization, could help all these student groups and in return, we would increase the diversity in majors and in people who are a part of PRSSA. I spoke to Dr. Jones, our faculty advisor, and after a few meetings, we created the event." Debbie Ebalobo (PRSSA Officer)

"PRWorkout is such a valuable event because it applies to everyone. There are hundreds of students involved in organizations at UGA, and all of them can benefit by learning even the most basic public relations practices." Lauren Coppage (PR Workout Day organizer)

"Personally, I loved PRWorkout. Having actual students and people who have
been in our shoes as students come back to talk with us made it even more
credible, especially in the area of media relations, with Lindley and Lauren, and
of course your event planning and fundraising session. The Powerpoint and
packet contents we had for your section were awesome!" Michael Gray (Attendee on behalf of UGA Miracle)


"I really like the organization and knowledge presented in each of the workshops. These sessions were extremely helpful! My organization is sure to flourish and benefit from the information I learned today at PRWorkout."

"The speakers were knowledgeable and willing to answer specific questions related to my organizations. They had good ideas. I liked that there were some practicing PR professionals speaking to us; they had real life knowledge to offer."

"Great information that was concise. There was information that I would never had access to without this workshop."

"I loved how excited the presenters were and how accessible they were after the event."

"I liked the depth to which the speakers went for each workshop and worked to tailor each presentation to their audiences."

"It was very personal, which helped make learning ways to benefit our organizations easier."

"The participants of PRSSA shared examples and their own experiences of what worked and what didn't work. Very helpful, relevant, showed genuine caring interest in helping us promote our organizations."

"The workshop was very helpful, I gained a lot of knowledge and ideas that I never thought about."

"I extremely enjoyed that it was put on by students who have been in my shoes because it shows that all of the success ahead is possible!"

"It was incredibly helpful. The information does not only pertain to my organization but also to my career. The workshops were amazing."

"It was very informative and everyone speaking was extremely qualified! I definitely look forward to putting the advice into action. Great program!"

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