
Grant Funded

Congratulations to Dr. A for being awarded a $4,000 grant from the Office of the VP for Research to fund her project: "The production and local reception of a telenovela when global distribution is privileged over local consumption."

Here is a description: This study will investigate the following research questions: How do Venevision executives define the "international" or "universal" telenovela? How are these codes defined in successful Telemoundo? How will Padron, a seasoned telenovela author adapt to this new television environment? How will his creative and writing strategies change? How will actors react to this new type of storylines? How will the Venezuelan audience receive this mandated change in his style? Will audience members still be able to recognize themselves in this telenovela? How will network Venevision react to the reception (positive or negative) of this telenovela in the local market?

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